The Hamlet Academy

Students of Hamlet Academy will maintain placement until they are fully prepared to transition into the community or be employed by Fill-A-Need Foundation. The Hamlet Academy will also provide a college credit support room that offers college degrees through online programs and through other local community colleges.
Hamlet Academy Departments

Learning Kitchen
Culinary Training: Food preparation, cooking, baking, and presentation
The Learning Kitchen will be an environment that will offer the students the opportunity to learn culinary skills from the basics to advanced prepared foods. This will include creating certain dishes for the House of Prime Restaurant, as well as sellable items for the Plaza Bakery. This department will prepare students for employment within a restaurant, cafeteria, bakery, etc.

At Home Hospitality
Restaurants and Hotels
At Home Hospitality focuses on skills that will prepare student for jobs within restaurant and/or Hotel atmosphere. The students will be given the opportunity to work in the House of Prime restaurant in the kitchen as well as in the dining room. We will offer a room for the students to start learning the process of working for a hotel as a housemaid, Bellhop, or other entry level positions, with the goal to transition them to a local hotel for employment.

Creative Workshop
Basic wood and metal projects
The Creative Workshop department will be where students care offered tools and supplies to develop skills creating items with using wood, metal and other simple materials. For example, picture frames, plaques, candle holders, holiday decorations and accessories. The creative items made by the students will be sold to the general public in the Hamlet Plaza Gift Shop. Special orders for custom items are welcome.

Fine Arts: Drawing, painting, and sculpting
Culinary Training: Food preparation, cooking, baking, and presentation
The Finest of Arts department will be where students can express their passions and creativity of the arts. This will include painting, drawing, sculpting, and other mediums. The classes will offer full extensive learning techniques as well as freedom to explore individual expression. The finished products will be proudly displayed for sale at the Hamlet Plaza Art Gallery.

Real-Time Design
Computer graphics: Stationary, holiday cards, calendars
Real Time Design department is where the students will be able to use their skills in writing, graphics and designing, to create greeting cards, flyers, general, office, and business stationery, etc. This department will work closely with Creative Workshop and The Finest of Arts departments and collaborate to developing finished, sellable products for the Hamlet Plaza Gift Shop. This department will also take custom and sample orders from the general public and local businesses.

Building Blocks
Interior and exterior construction projects: Stone, tile, masonry, and general construction
The department of Building Blocks will engage the students in hands-on development within the field of construction. They will work with wood, masonry, metal and other materials that are used to build small structures. For example, they will construct fire pits, walkways, patios, retaining walls, decks, sheds, etc. This department will also collaborate with the Props and sets department for the Open Acres events and activities.

It’s Business
Entry level office skills
This department will give the students the opportunity to develop the requirements to work in an office or business. They will work on basic secretarial, entry level, and mail room responsibilities. The Hamlet Academy will offer hands on training for students preparing for jobs within the community. This department will also focus on the job possibilities offered at the local Post Office, Building Departments and Town Halls.

Prime Produce
Planting, caring for, and preparing produce and grains
The Prime Produce department will have large Green House structures for the students to farm produce. Under the supervision of a well experienced organic growing specialist, the students will grow a seasonal items year round. When ready, the produce will be brought into the learning kitchen and used for the daily/weekly menu for the House of Prime Restaurant and Hamlet Bakery.

Nature’s Own
Planting, caring for, and preparing plants and flowers
This department represents the simply grown plants and flowers of mother natures work. The students will have a year round green house to plant and grow an endless array of beautiful plants and flowers. When the products are full bloom and ready for the next step, the students will prepare them for sale either in the Hamlet Nursery and/or the Hamlet Flower Shop. They will be able to use their talent to design flower arrangement for all occasions and implement the grown itms into holiday and seasonal crafts and decoration.

Grounds Keeper
Landscaping skills and grounds maintenance
The students that register in the Grounds Keeper department will learn hands on skills for grounds keeping, landscaping and landscaping design. We will work with local landscape companies and prepare students for employment. The students will also work with the Building Blocks department on Hamlet projects within campus that incorporate landscape design.

Horse Training
Grooming, riding, and general care taking of the Hamlet horses
The Stables will house a minimum of five (5) horses and the students will assist in taking care of them as well as learning the general training techniques to ride. This department will also be used as a form of therapy for some students and incorporated in their weekly schedule. Horseback riding will be offered to the general public and will allow the students the proper training to pursue employment within local Horse Farms.

Props & Sets
Designing and creating scenes, props, and sets for the Hamlet events, plays and holiday activities
The Props and Sets department is mainly dedicated to the Open Acres events. The students will take part in designing and building all of the elements needed to present the events to the general public. The students will also work on the designs and developments of any diplays that are needed throughout the Hamlet Campus. This will include the Plaza and garden featured displays.
The Hamlet
Helping to Bridge the Gap
When an adult with special needs comes to us and asks, “What's my future?” We tell them, The Hamlet.

Learn More About The Hamlet